How to Clean Concrete Dust From Floors

More often that not, concrete dust is a mutual trouble felt past many facilities, even after the sweeping and cleaning of it.

Concrete dust is the powdering of the surface and is primarily caused by the disintegration of the top layer of weakened physical. Foot traffic, heavy loads, automotive tyres and fifty-fifty cleaning of the concrete are some of the factors that can cause dusting of concrete.

Why has my physical weakened?

In that location are so many reasons for the weakening of the concrete layer such as poor mixing of the concrete, ageing of the flooring, or even insufficient curing at the surface. The most mutual reason for weakening is excess h2o bleeding at the surface;  the excessive amounts of h2o in the mix will rising to the surface during the trowelling procedure. The rising water carries fine particles to the surface forming a layer of laitance.

Laitance is a porous layer of softer concrete that slowly breaks downward to create a white powdery surface. The sweeping of this surface provides very little results equally the concrete is in a constant country of disintegration. If left untreated,  the concrete dust can become troublesome as it ends up on surfaces within facilities such as cars in garages or machinery in manufacturing plants.

How to stop concrete dust

The prevention of physical grit is an easier process than oftentimes thought – sealing of the surface!

When attempting to seal physical the most of import matter to practise is to gear up the surface. The removal of the loose material will enable sealer to grip onto the physical. The size of the area and the severity of the problem will determine the method needed to prepare the concrete. Once the surface has been prepared, a sealer can then be applied. With many sealers available, like single and twin packs, h2o/solvent based and solvent complimentary sealers, information technology is important to choose a sealer that is suited to your flooring.

For damp flooring, water-based products are recommended. For dry out flooring, we recommend using a clear polyurethane flooring sealer as the polyurethane formulation will reduce porosity whilst providing a dustproof surface. Areas that take oil/chemical contagion require an epoxy primer manufactured to seal dry or damp physical surfaces impregnated with almost whatsoever type of oils,  including brute, vegetable or mineral based oils Physical with rising damp issues will require a primer that is sufficient to withstand underlying water pressures.

While concrete dust is a nuisance to your facilities, the issue is easily rectified. Unless the dusting is astringent, proper cleaning, grooming of the floor and piece of cake awarding of a penetrating sealer usually achieves the chore.

Finally, for those who are unsure most the best solution for them, see out specialist concrete coatings and sealing production manufacturer to ask for communication. Give our friendly Sales and Technical Squad a call and we volition suggest y'all on what will piece of work best for you,

For professional person flooring advice, talk to one of our 'Polycote Pros' today on 0800 980 0852, go a quick answer from our team via Live Chat or email united states of america at [email protected]

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