
How To Clean Algae From Pool Hose

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  • #1
I am desperately trying to clean to hose to the pump of algea, but I can't get it out. Every time I shocked the pool and also got rid of the alge I still have it stuck in the hose and of course that doesn't help preventing it from coming back.
Any tips on how I can get it out of there? The water hose alone does not help.
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  • #2
"What" exactly is stuck in "what"? Can you describe that a bit better. Are we talking about a vacuum hose to a skimmer?
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  • #3
it's the actually hose from the pool filter to and from the pool. I have thick algea stuck in the rims and try to get it out. last time I shocked it it turned white, but I didn't get it ti wash and rinse out of the hose. now i took it of from the pool and try to get it clean, because it is already back green.
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  • #4
Did you shock the pool with a shock product or did you shock the pool according to the shocking information found here at TFP?

What kind of pool and equipment do you have?

You just responded above, so I'll address that now.

The algae has re-bloomed and you're seeing it in the hoses because it is a good place for partially dead algae to hide. Re-bloomed algae means you haven't completed the shocking process because when that occurs and the water is maintained with chlorine levels appropriate for CYA level, algae can't hardly re-bloom like that.

Do you have a test kit? What kind?

The best way for us to help you is to post a full set of test results. A pool store can test your water if you don't have a kit but the best route to an algae free pool is to get your own. The TF100 at is the best value around.

Regardless, you will need to shock the pool again because if there's algae in the hoses, there will soon be visually apparent algae in the pool itself.

Bama Rambler
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  • #5
You need to shock till you pass the OCLT and then keep the FC at the high end of the recommended range for your CYA.
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  • #6
+1 what Bama said. If that is done properly, I think the hose situation will clear itself up.
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How To Clean Algae From Pool Hose


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